Personal Electronic Devices at ÉLES

Dear ÉLES Families


Welcome back ÉLES families. We hope you’ve had a great summer and that you’re as excited about the upcoming school year as we are.

Starting this year, the Government of Saskatchewan has implemented a policy restricting the use of personal electronic devices in schools. Regardless of grade, students will not be permitted to use personal electronic devices during instructional time. Personal electronic devices include smartphones, cell phones, tablets and computers. Parents needing to communicate with their children are encouraged to do so by phoning or emailing the school (306-731-3338 or [email protected]). 

Some students may require the use of a personal electronic device due to medical or additional needs. For information about obtaining an exemption for a student, please reach out to our office.

Prairie Valley School Division’s administrative procedure, AP-1302: Student Personal Electronic Devices, outlining the use of personal electronic devices at all Prairie Valley schools is available on the Prairie Valley website. In addition to providing direction related to students’ use of personal electronic devices, this document provides guidelines regarding school staff members’ responsibilities with respect to the use of personal electronic devices.     

In alignment with the Government of Saskatchewan policy and PVSD administrative procedure, at ÉLES, students choosing to bring these devices will be asked to keep them in their lockers, bags, or an alternate space in the classroom (to be determined by the teacher).  With teacher permission, students may have an opportunity to use their phones during non-instructional times (lunch, recesses etc.).  We are reluctant to give students unlimited access to their devices during these breaks due to a range of concerns and our limited capacity to supervise.  Most importantly, we have one of the most beautiful playgrounds in Saskatchewan and want our students playing and socializing with their peers. 

If students are using phones during instructional time the following consequence progression will be followed:


  •      Phone is confiscated by teacher, stored at the office, and the student can pick it up at the end of the day.
  •      Phone is confiscated by teacher and stored at the office. Parents are informed, and the student can pick it up at the end of the day
  •       Phone is confiscated by teacher and stored at the office. Parents are asked to pick it up or elect to leave the phone at school overnight – to be picked up by the student in the morning.

It is important to note that the school-based plan detailed above is not a departure from our existing practice, and it has served us well in previous years.  Students generally do a wonderful job following the expectations.  We will communicate our plan to all grade 6-8 students on Tuesday, September 3rd

Currently, students may wear smartwatches during instructional time with the hope that they are not a distraction.  If concerns arise, parents will be contacted, and a student specific plan may be developed. 

Although students are restricted from using phones during learning time, teachers often use their phones for professional purposes including documenting learning, communicating with parents, and accessing content for lessons.  As always, professionals are asked not to use phones for personal matters during instructional times. 

Please reach out to our office if you have any questions or concerns.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back next week and we’re excited for a great 2024-2025 school year.