Programs & Services » Band


A band program is offered to students in Grades 6 - 8.  Registrations are accepted when students are in Grade 5 after the band teacher has conducted an orientation.  Due to the scheduling of band, the allocation of staff to band and non-band programs, and the philosophy that one should complete what one starts, we believe that students who have committed to the year cannot opt out.


Please note the following:

  • instruments are stored in homerooms     
  • students not enrolled in band will be formally scheduled in the timetable for Arts Education.


Band class is scheduled twice in the six day cycle for a total of 4 class periods. Classes are during the school day with extra-curricular jazz band for grades seven and eight after school. Students do get a grade on their report card for band.


The Prairie Valley West Music Parents Association Members are: 

Chairperson: Chris Unser

Treasurer: Rachel Hunter

Secretary: Jerri Light

Members-at-Large: Stephanie Reed, Cayla Herauf, Jennifer Oldfield, Robyn Case, Suzy Neter